whalehook knows scHOOLS

Student centered.  Results driven.
Celebrate your faculty as they change the lives of millions of children every day.  #ThankATeacher 
Design to delivery - we've got you covered.  Share your school pride with awesome swag!
We're here to help you raise awareness about an event, rally people behind your cause, and tell a compelling story.
Helping you raise money to fund programs and purchases throughout the school year is our specialty. #beyondspiritwear
Elementary Schools
Field Day, Class Trips, Fundraisers, Graduation, Athletic Associations, Special Events, Faculty, SpiritWear  
Middle Schools 
Clubs & Teams, Special Events, Fundraisers, Athletic Associations, Graduation,  SpiritWear, Faculty
High Schools
Athletic Associations, Special Events, SpiritWear, Graduation, Clubs & Teams, Faculty, Fundraisers
Build unity in a big way!  Show your school pride with t-shirts, sweatshirts, cups, hats, and almost anything in between.   
We've been doing this a long time!  Let us show you how to raise funds to provide your students with the educational experience they deserve.  What's the key ingredient?  FUN, FUN, FUN!
Special Events & Field Day
Field Days, Marathon Dances, Museum Nights, Class Trips...  the list goes on and on! Celebrate and commemorate - we'll show you how!
Get out there an play!  We know the brands and the quality.  We play the sport, coach the sport, and have the expertise to outfit your athletic team.  Promise!
Clubs & Teams
You've come together to unite for a passionate issue, idea, or cause and now you need to show your spirit and spread the word?  We can help!
Faculty & Graduation
Honor your dedicated teachers and staff for making your school the best!  Show your graduates how proud you are of their dedication and hard work... we've got just the thing.
Your school. Your story.
Get your name out into the world!  Build recognition for your school and connect students in the community.  SpiritWear brings everyone together!
Fundraising Opportunities.
Need to raise some money for your group or cause? Sell gear, accept online donations, share your story, and rally your supporters!  With 27 years of experience, we'll show you.
Awesome Results.
Play beautifully.  We fuse creativity, innovation, and strategy to provide you with an amazing outcome.  Like we said... we know schools. #teamwlhk